How to become Professional Software Developer from scratch

As the tech industry continues to flourish, the demand for skilled professionals in the field is soaring. Having spent a considerable amount of time working as a software developer, I frequently encounter friends and family asking the common question: “How does one become a software developer?” In India, where I hail from, this topic may seem unfamiliar to the average person, but it holds tremendous potential for those interested in pursuing a career in technology.

In this comprehensive blog post, I aim to shed light on the path to becoming a professional software developer, drawing from my own personal experiences. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast eager to explore the world of software development or someone seeking a fulfilling and dynamic career, this post is for you. Join me as we delve into the intricacies of the journey and uncover the essential steps to enter the realm of software development. Let’s embark on this exciting adventure together!

In this post, I will not only share my personal experiences but also provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to learn to code and become a proficient software developer. The journey may seem daunting, but with the right approach and determination, you can pave your way into this exciting field. I will outline this guide into six important steps:

  1. Grasp the Fundamentals

  2. Master a Programming Language

  3. Explore Software Engineering Fields

  4. Acquire Relevant Technologies

  5. Create Your Projects

  6. Pursue Opportunities in Software Engineering

Remember, anyone can become a software engineer. The key lies in dedication, continuous learning, and a passion for problem-solving. With the right knowledge and skillset, doors will open, and you can launch your fulfilling career as a software developer. So, let’s embark on this transformative journey together, unlocking a world of endless possibilities in the realm of technology!

Step 1: Grasp the Fundamentals

At the heart of every successful software developer lies a profound understanding of the fundamentals of computer science. This crucial knowledge forms the bedrock upon which our coding prowess is built. As a seasoned programmer, I can confidently attest that mastering these basics is not only invaluable but also a guiding light throughout your entire career.

Discover the Core Concepts: To embark on your coding journey, acquaint yourself with the core concepts of hardware, software, and computer architecture. Delve into the inner workings of computers, understanding how they process information and execute commands. This foundational knowledge will serve as your compass, directing you through the ever-evolving landscape of technology.

Understand The Essence of Input-Processing-Output: At its core, the principle of computing is elegantly simple: input, processing, output. Just like typing on your keyboard and seeing the characters appear on your notepad, computers follow the same principle. When you interact with software, you provide input, which the computer processes through logical instructions, and in return, you receive an output.

From Notepad to Software Development: This fundamental concept extends seamlessly into the realm of software development. As a software engineer, your task is to craft logic that efficiently processes input data and generates the desired output. This principle remains consistent, whether you’re working on a straightforward application or contributing to a complex system for a top-tier company.

Understanding the essence of input-processing-output grants you a universal language that transcends specific programming languages or frameworks. This powerful concept underpins all coding endeavors, empowering you to tackle challenges across various domains and technologies. As you delve deeper into your software development journey, always remember the power of fundamentals. The knowledge of how computers work, the principles of input-processing-output, and the core concepts of computer science will serve as your guiding stars in this dynamic field. Grasping the fundamentals is not just a stepping stone; it is the very essence that fuels innovation and creativity in the world of software development.

Step 2: Master a Programming Language

With a solid grasp of the fundamentals, the next milestone in your coding journey is to venture into learning a programming language. Having navigated this stage myself, I understand the significance of making the right choice and the importance of patience and practice in honing coding skills.

When I began my learning expedition, I faced the challenge of deciding on the perfect language for me. Initially, I dived into Ruby on Rails but eventually made the switch to Python. This experience taught me the cruciality of choosing a language that aligns with your goals and has a vibrant community backing it. For beginners, high-level languages like Python, JavaScript, or Ruby are ideal starting points, as they offer diverse applications and are renowned for their beginner-friendly nature.

It’s essential to avoid the trap of ego learning, where one is drawn to the most efficient or low-level languages like C++ or C#. Instead, as a novice, I focused on mastering the fundamentals of object-oriented programming rather than getting entangled in complex low-level languages. This proved to be a wise decision, as object-oriented programming is foundational to most functional programming languages, forming the bedrock of our software development endeavors.

Once you have chosen a language, take the time to understand its syntax and dive deeper into building logical structures. Work with functions and classes, and immerse yourself in the fundamentals of object-oriented programming, such as inheritance, modules, and libraries. The beauty of modern learning is that you have a wealth of information at your fingertips. Through extensive research, utilizing search engines, and even leveraging advanced tools like ChatGPT, you can access a world of knowledge.

When I embarked on my learning journey in 2015, resources like ChatGPT weren’t available, so I relied heavily on search engines and turned to platforms like freeCodeCamp for JavaScript and Codecademy for Python. You, on the other hand, have a plethora of options, including both free and paid courses online. Regardless of your chosen approach, the key is to invest time and effort into your learning.

Remember that all the knowledge you need is publicly available, from language documentation to tutorials and online courses. Familiarize yourself with the official documentation of your programming languages, like “” for Python, “” for JavaScript, and “” for Ruby. Embrace an open mindset and be dedicated to your learning. Throughout your software engineering career, official documentation for programming languages will serve as your trusted handbook, aiding you in tackling new challenges and keeping your skills sharp.

As you embark on this exciting chapter of your journey, keep in mind that learning is a continuous process. Embrace the joy of discovery, stay curious, and be ready to adapt and grow in this ever-evolving world of software engineering. Your passion for learning will undoubtedly pave the way for a rewarding and fulfilling career.

Step 3: Explore Software Engineering Fields

After mastering a programming language and gaining a strong foundation in object-oriented programming, the time comes to delve into the exciting world of software engineering fields. Having personally experienced this phase in my own journey, I understand the importance of choosing a niche that aligns with your passion and interests.

Software development offers a vast landscape of possibilities, including web development, mobile app development, data science, artificial intelligence, and more. To make an informed decision, dedicate time to thorough research. Dive into books, articles, and online resources, exploring each field to discover what truly excites you.

During this crucial phase, remember that finding your niche is pivotal in shaping your future career. It’s not about following what’s popular or what pays well; it’s about discovering a field that ignites your passion. I learned to avoid being swayed solely by financial incentives and, instead, focused on my genuine interests and potential for growth in a particular field.

Consider various factors during your research: the demand for professionals in the field, the barrier to entry, and the potential for continuous learning and advancement. As you gain insights, keep an open mind and remain honest with yourself about your preferences.

For me, being an avid web enthusiast, web development was an obvious choice. It aligned perfectly with my passion, and I found immense joy in crafting dynamic and interactive web applications. Moreover, web development had a high demand and relatively low barriers to entry, making it a suitable fit for my career aspirations.

However, my journey didn’t end there. As a firm believer in continuous learning, I chose to explore new horizons by delving into artificial intelligence and machine learning. These emerging fields also fascinated me, and I saw their potential to complement my existing expertise in web development.

Indeed, learning never stops in the world of software engineering. Whether it’s mastering new programming languages or delving into novel fields, continuous self-improvement is essential. Embracing the engineer’s mindset becomes a lifestyle, and sharing knowledge with others further enriches the experience.

As you embark on your own journey, remember that software engineering is not merely a job—it’s a way of thinking and living. Choose your niche wisely, stay hungry for knowledge, and embrace the ever-evolving nature of this dynamic profession.

Step 4: Acquire Relevant Technologies

Are you ready to take your software development skills to the next level? Having a solid grasp of computer fundamentals and mastering a programming language with object-oriented principles is a great start. Now, let’s explore how you can acquire the essential technologies that will elevate your expertise in the software engineering field. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll dive into the world of frameworks, libraries, version control systems, and the art of writing good code, all of which are fundamental to becoming a proficient and successful software developer. This section will mainly involve learnings from my experiences as a web developer but can be implemented in any other software engineering field.

Discover the Power of Frameworks: Frameworks are the building blocks of any software engineering field, and as a web developer, you’ll encounter various options like Django, React, Rails, and Express. Start by researching and choosing a framework that aligns with your goals. Look for a framework that is easy to learn, has a strong community, and is stable and popular. For instance, I personally found Django to be a fantastic choice due to its versatility in combining frontend and backend development, along with its powerful built-in admin app. Dive into the framework’s documentation, and begin learning by actively writing and running code. Don’t be discouraged by challenges; seek help from resources like Stack Overflow, GitHub, and Google. Mastery may take time, but the rewards are worth it.

Expand Functionality with Libraries: In addition to frameworks, libraries play a crucial role in enhancing your project’s functionality. Python, for instance, offers a wide array of built-in and third-party libraries. Familiarize yourself with libraries like ‘requests’ and ‘Beautiful Soup’ to perform tasks such as website requests and HTML parsing. Embrace the documentation, and explore commonly used libraries to enrich your coding toolkit. The possibilities are endless, so keep experimenting and learning as you go.

Master Git for Collaborative Development: Software development is rarely a solo endeavor, and mastering Git is essential for seamless collaboration among developers. Learn about version control and its importance in tracking changes. Git, as a distributed version control system, is widely used in the industry. Register on platforms like GitHub and start contributing to open-source projects to gain hands-on experience. Embrace pull requests, code reviews, and CI/CD processes, and witness how collaborative development enhances your growth as a programmer.

Embrace the Art of Writing Good Code: Writing efficient and maintainable code is a hallmark of a skilled software developer. Embrace design principles like DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) and study language-specific rules, such as Python’s Zen of Python. These principles enhance your code’s readability and organization. Start applying these principles early on, and you’ll notice the difference as you progress in your software development journey.

Congratulations! You now have a comprehensive guide to acquiring relevant technologies and becoming a proficient software developer. By exploring frameworks, libraries, mastering Git, and focusing on writing good code, you are on your way to creating remarkable software solutions. Remember, the journey is continuous, and as you keep learning, experimenting, and collaborating with others, you’ll witness your skills grow and evolve.

Step 5: Create Your Projects

Congratulations on acquiring the essential knowledge and skills to be a software engineer! Now comes the exciting part - applying your expertise to real-world projects. Building practical projects is not only a great way to reinforce your learning but also an impressive way to showcase your abilities to potential employers. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the process of creating projects, from starting with simple scripts to taking on more complex challenges. Let’s get started!

Start with Simple Scripts and Automations: Begin your project journey by creating simple scripts to automate everyday tasks. For instance, you can build a script to parse emails or interact with free external APIs. Sign up for developer accounts on platforms like Google or AWS, and experiment with their documentation to create simple projects. These hands-on experiences will prove invaluable as you progress to more significant undertakings.

Embrace Full-Stack Development: When starting out, take on multiple roles in your projects. For example, if you’re building a website, delve into both backend and frontend development and configure the deployment process. Even if your passion lies more in one area, such as backend, having a working knowledge of the frontend will make you a more well-rounded developer. Remember, in the early stages, learning from mistakes and resolving issues independently is crucial for growth.

Develop Bigger Project Ideas: As your skills grow, challenge yourself to conceive larger project ideas. These don’t have to be groundbreaking; the key is to tackle complex concepts that interest you. For example, building an ecommerce app like Amazon or a social network like Facebook, even on a smaller scale, can be highly instructive. You’ll explore important functionalities, such as authentication, session handling, caching, database queries, and REST API implementation. Utilize tutorials and articles as resources to learn how to transform requirements into actual code.

Venture into Open Source Contributions: Once you feel confident in your coding abilities and can effectively translate requirements into code, consider contributing to open-source projects. Open-source contributions offer real-life software development experiences and opportunities for feedback from senior developers. Look for repositories on platforms like GitHub, read the project’s contributions guide, and search for good first issues to start with. Engage in discussions about the issues before making your contribution. This will not only enhance your coding skills but also sharpen your communication abilities.

By following these steps and embarking on practical projects, you’ll build a strong software development portfolio that highlights your skills and expertise. Starting with simple scripts and gradually working your way up to more complex projects will empower you to take on exciting challenges in the world of software engineering. Embrace the learning process, seek feedback, and enjoy the fulfillment of seeing your projects come to life. Your journey as a skilled software developer has just begun, and with determination and dedication, you’ll continue to grow and excel in this dynamic field.

Step 6: Pursue Opportunities in Software Engineering

Congratulations on reaching this stage of your journey! If you’ve diligently followed this guide, you’re now a proficient software developer, capable of translating requirements into not only functional but also robust and resilient code. The time has come to take the next crucial step - seeking opportunities and transitioning software development into a full-time profession.

From my perspective, securing a full-time software development role is particularly significant, especially in the early phases of your career. Collaborating within a team offers the ultimate platform for skill enhancement. This environment exposes you to various team processes, such as Agile methodologies, facilitating both knowledge absorption and sharing. Additionally, your communication skills will flourish, and the invaluable experiences gained will catalyze your career growth.

As you embark on the quest for opportunities, consider internships or paid positions. During the initial stages, prioritize value delivery over monetary compensation. Your goal should be to make a meaningful impact rather than solely seeking payment. Focusing on value creation and impact will naturally lead to compensation and, more importantly, a wealth of knowledge and insights.

Begin by establishing a compelling LinkedIn profile. Showcase your personal projects and experiences, and take the initiative to apply for jobs or internships. Freelancing also presents an appealing avenue. In my experience, freelancing can be even more appealing than traditional internships due to its challenging nature and potential for high impact. For those without formal experience or a degree, freelancing often offers a more accessible entry point while still offering the opportunity to make a significant contribution.

The art of seeking opportunities is a skill in itself, involving an element of salesmanship where you must present yourself as a developer who brings impactful value. It requires time investment, thorough research, and genuine effort. A successful career cannot be achieved through copy-pasting. Instead, focus on providing value, creating an impact, and understanding the needs of potential employers.

One of the beauties of software engineering is its flexibility; a formal degree is not always a necessity. Prioritize enhancing your knowledge and skill set, and proactively apply for jobs or internships. Engage in coding challenges and contribute to open-source projects to enhance your visibility within the tech community.

Remember, this phase marks the beginning of a dynamic career journey. Stay committed to continuous learning, embrace the challenge of seeking opportunities, and evolve alongside the ever-changing landscape of software development. Your dedication and ability to offer value will guide your path, leading you toward a fulfilling and successful career in software engineering.

This concludes your comprehensive guide on how to become a professional software engineer from scratch. Your dedication, paired with a steadfast commitment to learning and growth, will undoubtedly propel you to great heights within the realm of software development. Best of luck on your exciting journey ahead!

Written on July 29, 2023